

Who it’s for: These on-demand training videos about Microsoft Power BI are designed for business professionals, data analysts, data scientists, business intelligence enthusiasts, and anyone interested in gaining an understanding of Microsoft Power BI and its capabilities. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your knowledge in data visualization, data modeling, or business intelligence, these videos will provide a valuable, high-level overview of Microsoft Power BI. Break free from data dependence and empower yourself with self-service dashboards and interactive reports. No IT or coding expertise required, just a keen interest for data-driven and actionable insights. 

What it is: These on-demand training videos offer a high-level exploration of Microsoft Power BI, a self-service business intelligence platform that simplifies data analysis and visualization. Power BI is a key player in the Business Intelligence field, providing capabilities for a wide range of scenarios from extracting and analyzing data from various sources to creating interactive dashboards.

What you’ll learn: 

  1. Demystify Power BI: From Power BI Desktop to Power BI Service, learn about the fundamentals of this self-service business intelligence tool and understand its core components.
  2. Installing Power BI: Learn the step-by-step process of how to install Power BI on your Windows Operating System.
  3. Become a data wrangler: Learn how to connect and extract effortlessly to various data sources like Excel, CSV files, SQL servers, and more. Navigate through Power BI’s Power Query Editor and learn how to use it to transform, shape or combine data from various sources.
  4. Shape your data destiny: Append, merge, pivot or modify tables using Power BI and use it to create clean, reliable data models with the understanding of the different types of cardinalities.
  5. Visualize your success: Understand how Power BI can help you easily create stunning custom visuals and interactive reports. Design self-service and multi-perspective reports for seamless information sharing across your organization.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a high-level understanding of Microsoft Power BI and its role in the Business Intelligence landscape. With this knowledge, you’ll be equipped to leverage the power of Microsoft Power BI for driving innovation and success in your data projects.